Reset Your Leadership Style To Refuel Your Team
February 14, 2022
February represents two key events that, for me, are particularly worthy of acknowledgement:
Valentine's Day is the one day where we are mindful to show our love for others. Typically it's thought of as a way to show romance to our most intimate mates. Also, though, it's a great way to reflect on how we demonstrate our appreciation to others who, are important and special to us. Maybe we don't say "I love you" but there are actions we can take to show our love.
Black History Month is an opportunity to highlight black culture and achievements. In other words, we can all become enlightened, learn and grow together.
A commonality of both of these special events symbolizes unity and relationships.
I want to share three critical steps to do as the subject line indicates,
Reset your leadership style to Refuel your team.
1) Reframe
A definition of reframe is: to look at, present or think of beliefs, ideas or relationships in a new or different way.
Some factors for you to contemplate how you can reframe:
Your thoughts and beliefs about the expectations you have of others. If you believe they have potential, what training can you offer to develop them so that they reach their potential and are adequately equipped to meet your expectations?
How you are structuring career path opportunities and, how you communicate them to your team. Employees are leaving companies who don't convey or offer career paths for other companies where they hope upward mobility is realistic.
The conversations you and your leaders are having with each other about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. And, what is the ability and comfort level of your leaders to converse about the subject of DEI with their team members to assure that there is a feeling of belonging? (These conversations are not limited to race and gender, they include several other identities people often hide, like disabilities)
2) Leadershift
I know, you have already shifted more in the last two years than you have throughout your entire career. The shift requires a new mindset (thus the need to reframe) and new action. The good news is it doesn't mean you must take huge leaps at once, rather, make small changes at a time.
As leaders, we must be changed to bring change. We benefit from focusing on our own transformation before we lead others to it.
Here's a list that I hope will support you contrasting trained leaders (a good start) to transformational leaders from John Maxwell's book, Leadershift,
Trained Leaders Transformational Leaders
Know how to lead Know why they lead
Are liked Are contagious
Influence today Influence today and tomorrow
Ask people to follow Ask people to make a difference
Love to lead Love the people they lead
Are trained Are trained and transformed
Help people Help people change
Have a career Have a calling
Impact a few Impact many
What shifts can/will you make to become and remain a transformational leader?
3) Refuel your team
The first two steps, reframe and leadershift will already show your love for your team.
Beyond an engagement survey, when is the last time you asked your team what they want? How did you exhibit that you listened, and heard what they said?
Four examples to continue:
Listen- this begins with a conversation where they do the bulk of the talking (70%) and you listen;
Ask open ended questions to help them share their feelings. Be ok following up with another question that sparks your curiosity about what they are sharing
Create a safe space - (aka Psychological safety) Establish an environment where your people know that it is ok to ask a question without feeling inhibited wondering if the question might like it might be a 'stupid' question, (there is no such thing as a stupid question) and understand that if they make a mistake they won't be judged.
A hint about safe spaces: Leaders must be intentional, allow time (if they make a mistake you have to take the time to show them the right way) and consistency.
Share the big picture - people want to feel confident that their daily work complements the big goals and company vision; that their work matters; and that they, as individuals, belong.
A colleague and I, Desiree Saddler, will continue this conversation in a Linked In Live show on February 23. I'd love for you to join us. We'll dig deeper into the DEI conversation and offer tools to eliminate the awkward feelings some people experience, (many leaders tell me they don't know where/how to start the discussion) and replace with some conversation starters and tools. Here's the link:
Click here to register for the Linked In Live Webinar on February 23
Happy Valentines Day To You!!!
If you read through this letter it validates that we are on this journey together. Thank you for showing your appreciation to me!
Let me know how I can help you with tools to become an even more effective leader.
I'm looking for more individuals like you, who are committed to cross the bridge from where they are, and take the right steps to narrow work, at home and in the community.
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Make today matter. Let's cross the bridge together to learn.grow.succeed.
Creating Significance
Michelle Beauchamp
The Champ Group
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