Let’s move forward together.
"Let’s move forward together." I’m imagining that this is a message that you are telling your team this year as you share your vision. Am I right?
On the one hand, you may feel as though creating a vision and sharing it, has been challenging and perhaps not even worthwhile. The continuous adjustments you’ve made because of the circumstances caused by the ever-changing Covid reality have often felt overwhelming.
On the other hand, despite the obstacles over the last couple of years, what you want to build remains vivid in your mind! Your commitment has not waned.
People skills is an essential element to move forward. I’m sharing two essential qualities today. I invite you to join me in my first LinkedIn Live event on Wednesday, January 26 at 11:00 AM where I’ll provide more insights on some of the other critical traits. (This is an example of me trying something new) and I'm excited to try this new delivery method. I hope you'll join me!
Click here to register for the Linked In Live Webinar
The first skill is:
#1 Vision casting and sharing
What is your vision? What does moving forward together look like, sound like and feel like? Below are some questions for you to ponder…
Look like?
· Growth? Growing X # of employees? What roles will your team members play and how will the growth complement their current responsibilities? (So many people have been required to take on a lot of extra tasks)
· Culture? A culture where people are open to collaborate and feel safe to offer ideas and ask questions? How might this be different from what currently exists? What’s required for the psychologically safe environment to become a standard?
· Work location? Where are your people? Will you remain remote, or going hybrid or all in person? What will the mindsets be of your employees with any of these working environments? Are you open to listen to their opinions and preferences?
· New markets/products? Expanding into another geography/market? What new products have your clients been requesting that you intend to roll out?
Sound like?
· Laughter? You don't you hear joyful sounds when mics are on mute, so how will you encourage fun?
· Collaboration? How will you encourage listening, sharing, and complimenting insights from others?
· Applause? Does your culture welcome applause or is it one where people tend to be quiet and non-complimentary?
Feel like?
· Appreciation and belonging? How do you and your leaders deliver feedback? How do your team members receive feedback to let them know they are on the right track and doing the right things? If they need actions course corrected, how is this communicated and, is it timely?
Remember the lessons we’ve learned from Simon Sinek on knowing our WHY?
Why is it important for your organization to get to where you want to take it? How are you conveying the significance of each role?
Transparency with your team is critical, how do you decide how much to share and how much to remain private?
As your people follow and walk beside you, your ability to validate them will motivate them to perform their tasks daily.
#2 Servanthood
The servanthood leader puts people first. This doesn’t mean that productivity is not important, or that deadlines are flexible. It does mean that when we show our team members we care about them and listen to their concerns, they feel cared for and are more likely to not only be productive but feel valued. Some thoughts to ponder:
· Do you recognize each team member’s individual strength and reinforce how their strengths impact the company? Communicating this information aligns with the big picture and captures the vision you share with them and will serve them well.
· We hear the phrase, "Random acts of kindness" and we know what this means. What acts of kindness can you offer to demonstrate servanthood? Some examples:
Asking what they might need help with to complete a project?
Observe whether they seem overwhelmed and offer to take a part of the project off their plate. (Who else on the team can contribute and might in fact, be grateful for a new opportunity).
If working virtually, send a gift of coffee and a muffin and if you’re in person, bring a treat that you know they’ll appreciate.
· As a leader, you can model the acts you want to see, and it is contagious! Before you know it, your culture will become a culture of servanthood.
I am confident that as you become even more intentional about refining your people skills, you’ll not only notice that your team values you, but you’ll also see that you positively influence the culture, and achieve the vision that you desire. To recap the heading of the graphic at the top, A leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.
Remember to join me on the Linked In Live webinar for the other essential people skills to positively influence your team.
Click here to register for the Linked In Live Webinar
If you read through this letter it validates that we are on this journey together. Thank you!
Let me know how I can help you with tools to become an even more effective leader.
I'm looking for more individuals like you, who are committed to cross the bridge from where they are, and take the right steps to narrow gaps...at work, at home and in the community.
Connect with me on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/michellebeauchamp
Like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/thechampgroup
Make today matter. Let's cross the bridge together to learn.grow.succeed.