Lessons Learned from March MADness

Motivated and Determined

Motivated and Determined

March Madness!

As I watched some March Madness games over the last few days, I started thinking about how much these games connect with business. It reinforces the joy of victory and the agony of defeat. Well, March Madness is definitely a business generating millions of dollars! I thought it would be fun to share some of the thoughts with you and help you reflect, as I did. We are all committed to championing our business and helping others, too, right?

First, let me say this, by no means am I an expert at basketball!! I do though, take pleasure in coaching and training others to lead themselves and others in business…

Here are some of my observations: 

Fast Action – These players hustle! They keep their eyes on the ball, they are in motion and they are not distracted.

Are you consistently moving at the pace you need to, so that you can achieve the results you desire?

 Offense – Are you taking shots and hitting, or are you missing, or not even taking shots at all? If you are scoring- are you consistently scoring? If you’re missing, assess why you’re missing. Did you misread a cue from a prospect? Was your impression of what a team member on your needed inaccurate? Did you not direct them in the way they needed? What needs to be tweaked?

 Defense – Sometimes games are won because the defense is so strong. What are you defending? What’s distracting you? Are you maintaining your boundaries?

Assists – No one wins alone. Basketball is a team sport. Business is a team effort. What role are you playing to assist others to win? How well are you doing at receiving help from others that are ready and available to contribute to your victory?

Team roles – Those who are skilled in their position stay in their lane and home in on maximizing their strength. Whether they are a point guard (handles the ball and controls the pace) like Chris Paul (formerly LA Clippers, now Phoenix Suns), or a shooting guard (best shooter) like Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. What are your top strengths and how often are you utilizing them?

Three pointer – WOW! These are exciting. Extra points are given because the player stretches out of their typical comfort zone. How much did you stretch this quarter? What can you leverage most next quarter to get extra points that will carry you to your championship?

Time outs – Are you taking breaks to refresh? Self- care is always required to sustain growth and keep momentum. Pause. Reflect. Rejuvenate.

Half-time – These longer breaks are often times needed to evaluate progress so far, and whether the actions have not produced the expected outcome. This is the time for further reflection, conversing with others to discuss reasons for success and obstacles and to perhaps modify thinking and action.  

Overtime – That recent UCLA and Alabama game was exhilarating! When you are working overtime, it’s “go” time. When you find yourself working overtime, is it because you were spinning your wheels and you’re trying to catch up? Or is there so much work you just cannot get it all done? How can your time and productivity be managed more effectively?

Game Plan- Clearly the basketball coach has a game plan and clearly communicates it with the team. What’s your game plan? Or are you typically in react mode? Who do you share your game plan with? If you know your plan is to celebrate a victory at the end of the year, is it broken down by quarter with recognition that adjustments will be needed as the year progresses?

Scoreboard – When the game is over, there’s only one winner. Do you establish clear goals, regularly so that you know whether you won, or not? By the way, it’s the consistent activity that will help you achieve the ultimate championship.  Where are you posting those goals? Are they constantly in front of you and your team? Do you celebrate the small victories?

The teams that even made it to participate in March Madness endured a lot on the journey. That in itself, is to be recognized and celebrated. An acronym I heard several years ago and adopted for MAD is Motivated and Determined. Isn’t that a good description of the players playing to the very best of their ability during March MADness?

As we enter into the second quarter of this year, I ask you to evaluate these illustrations I shared to ensure that you celebrate a victorious quarter that will propel you to celebrate a championship 2021 for you and your business.

Be on the lookout for an upcoming program I’m offering to help you Stay MAD-Motivated and Determined!




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